Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Morning Inspiration

Just some randomness to get our morning off right!

Seek Christ...I promise that you will find Him if you go looking..

Never let anyone tell you that you are wasting time on your Pinterest Quote Board....
          ...tell them they are your daily affirmations..

If Lucy believes it, then it must be true..

(Wouldn't it be nice if all of the cartoons kids watched were like this? Even just some of them? And little girls wanted to grow up to influence social change & improve her community because Peanuts told her when she was growing up that SHE MADE the world better and that SHE WAS a positive force? I'm just saying...)

Stream of consciousness....

Girls: Never be offended when someone refers to you as an "Einstein." Smile, Say "Thank You" & then become a billionaire from your Internet Start-Up. Remember ladies, we were Geeks before Geeks were cool. 

(Anyways, computers will always do EXACTLY what us girls tell them to do... And you can speak to them in codes...They will never play games with you.. (unless of course you program them to..) They won't ask to borrow money; in fact, they will make it for you.. They will talk to you in any language you want, or will let you make up your own.. You know where they are at all times, courtesy of GPS.. They won't trade you in for a younger model.. (In fact, YOU can trade them in.. @ Best Buy.. for Store Credit.. ) They will look through pictures for hours with you & not complain..And if they won't cooperate, ctrl-alt-delete will shut them up. Every time. Plus, it is legal in every state to take a screwdriver to the sucker if it steps out of line! #truestory)

So the moral of this story is....

and so grateful for the bad things...

makes the good things SO much BETTER!!)

Find other ways to look at things ---->

Or if you don't like something, 

then CHANGE it...

At any given time, there are no less than a million things that you can do to be a positive force.. make the world better...
  I'll even give you some to start with:

You should be alarmed

-Big Tobacco's Propaganda
-Human & Sex Trafficking in your own community (It does, in fact, exist everywhere. Google it. Be informed.)
-Climate Change, especially Water pollution issues.
-Corporate & Consumer Greed, it's killing small businesses
-Bees. Yes, Bees. The decline in populations of honeybees specifically. They pollinate our food. No bees = no food. 
-McDonald's - unfair working conditions & wages to make food that is killing us.. how does that even make sense?
-PETA - Do some research, they are a barbaric & inhumane "non-profit" that makes money off of the very thing they say they stand for, killing & torture of animals...

You can pick one of my Social Protests, or make one up of your own! Just Act. Don't be a part of the majority.. Oftentimes, they are wrong...

Live your life doing something that you care about...

be the change... start a movement..any movement.. just start one!

Cute picture...Wonderful sentiment..Could be a bad idea in some zip codes....

Want to really fight "the man?"
Join & take on the largest, richest, & most powerful propaganda machine in American history. And save millions of lives in the process. It's a win:win. (P.S. If you still currently smoke cigarettes, I would love 5 minutes of your time to change your life. Seriously. 5 minutes. Just email/txt/comment/tweet/call me or even yell really loud..)

Start asking questions.. It doesn't matter what they are or who you ask.. Just get involved in something that makes a difference.

Remember to:
Love your sisters...
Even if they aren't your "sister." You can't pick your relatives but you can darn sure pick your family.
Seek Truth. Advocate for Justice. No Justice, No Peace.

Laugh @ everything.

Be a ripple.. Or butterfly wings.. Learn to Rock Boats..
Go Farm some Thistles.. Frequently.
And Graciously.

Be nice to strangers... 
Love people that don't like you.. 
Do something remarkable. Right NOW.
Spend less money on presents, and more time being present.. 
(Why yes, I did just come up with that on my own! Pretty clever, huh?)

Write random blogs @ 3 am just because you can..
Twitter..Tumbl..LinkIn..Pin stuff..Post pictures of everything beautiful you see.. StumbleUpon..DiggStuff.. 

Take as many selfies as your SD card will allow, 
(except, of course, if you are the leader of the free world and are attending the funeral of one of the most revered Activists & Freedom Fighters ever in the history of man, & it is being viewed by millions of people... I'm just saying.....)

 Smile because you can.. Smile because no matter what you are going through, there is someone going through something a million times worse, somewhere on this planet.. Smile because God gave woke you up this morning.. Smile because you have a warm bed, in a safe house, and maybe even a Christmas tree...
Some people are scared to smile.. Some people want to smile so bad on the inside but don't think they are

good enough... pretty enough... worthy enough.. 

Smile, because to God you ARE good enough.. you ARE pretty enough... you ARE worthy enough.. He has destined you for great things, Strategically Placed You to share His message. 

Even though I don't know where my map is leading me, or where I am going, I sure do know where I started... And that's the most important part of this whole journey so far..I've spent years trying to Find My Way Home, & I kind of feel like I'm finally in the vicinity....Or at least the right zip code.. :)

Have a good weekend!

Be good to each other.

You are an example to someone.

You are a shot of hope for someone.
Be a positive force like Lucy.
And don't forget, You ARE
 entirely responsible
for the energy that you bring into your space..


1 comment:

  1. Finally harnessing your cosmic energy and aiming it in all the right places! God bless and carry on!
