It's a beautiful thing when a career and a passion come together.

I have been given an amazing opportunity to work in a field that I am incredibly passionate about. I will be working for
Cherished High Desert. They are a non-profit Faith-based organization for women recovering from lives of trafficking, prostitution, addiction, domestic violence & commercial sex industry exploitation.
This has been in the works for months and months. So many things had to fall into place and the planets had to line up just right, on both sides of the country, for this to work. God's hand is definitely in this and His will be done! I will be moving to the Lancaster/Palmdale area in Southern California in less than 72 hours!

I am incredibly excited and was so grateful to be able to share that excitement and joy with my church family today at Dublin Baptist Church. They have been with me since before I was even born actually, as my parents have been attending that church for many many years. I was raised in that church. I had the blessing to witness my grandfather, Elmon Thompson, when he was the interim Pastor there. The women at DBC have shown me what it looks like to be a Woman of Christ and have been my example growing up. Pastor Dennis asked me to come share a little bit about where I was going and would be doing and then asked the church to pray with me. And not just pray with me, but OVER me, as in, they laid their hands on me and said prayers. In 1 Timothy, the Scripture tells us,
"Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you." (1 Timothy 4:14)
Yes, I am in the middle of there somewhere! |
It was an amazing and beautifully moving gesture that I will never forget. People I have know my entire life placed their hands on me and asked God to bless me on my journey to California.
As I go out on this journey, I just want to thank each and every person that has helped me to this point. It is only through God's grace and mercy that I have made it to this point. I will be blogging about my travels here, so please subscribe to my blog, Strategically Placed and go with me on this new chapter in my life! Also, there will be an IndieGoGo campaign that we are launching to help with some of the financial issues that will be encountered along the way, and I appreciate any support that anyone is able to provide.
Peace & Blessings,